Error NOTICE: We are a family run business and we are working to get your orders out as quickly as possible. Please allow some time for processing and let us know if you are deploying soon. Please contact us if you need custom cross-branch color combinations. Thank you.

Brassards/Duty Identifier Tabs

Custom Brassard / Duty Identifier Tab - 1 Line

Custom Brassard / Duty Identifier Tab - 1 Line


Custom Brassard / Duty Identifier Tab - 2 Lines

Custom Brassard / Duty Identifier Tab - 2 Lines


Brassard/Duty Identifier Tab CPP Cultural Property Protection Hague Convention

Brassard/Duty Identifier Tab CPP Cultural Property Protection Hague Convention


Brassard/Duty Identifier Tab CPP Cultural Property Protection Hague Convention OCP

Brassard/Duty Identifier Tab CPP Cultural Property Protection Hague Convention OCP


Brassard/Duty Identifier Tab KFOR Kosovo Forces Dark Blue and Yellow

Brassard/Duty Identifier Tab KFOR Kosovo Forces Dark Blue and Yellow


Brassard/Duty Identifier Tab KFOR Kosovo Forces OCP

Brassard/Duty Identifier Tab KFOR Kosovo Forces OCP


Brassard/Duty Identifier Tab PSD Personal Security Detachment/Detail OCP

Brassard/Duty Identifier Tab PSD Personal Security Detachment/Detail OCP


Brassard-Patch CID OCP

Brassard-Patch CID OCP


Brassard-Patch MP Military Police OCP

Brassard-Patch MP Military Police OCP


Brassard-Patch NCIS OCP

Brassard-Patch NCIS OCP


Brassard-Patch UP Unit Police OCP

Brassard-Patch UP Unit Police OCP


Duty Identifier Tab SF Security Forces OCP-Black

Duty Identifier Tab SF Security Forces OCP-Black


Duty Identifier Tab SF Security Forces OCP-Spice Brown with Black Border

Duty Identifier Tab SF Security Forces OCP-Spice Brown with Black Border


Duty Identifier Tab SF Security Forces OCP-Spice Brown

Duty Identifier Tab SF Security Forces OCP-Spice Brown


Duty Identifier Tab SF Security Forces OCP-Spice Brown Border

Duty Identifier Tab SF Security Forces OCP-Spice Brown Border


Duty Identifier Tab USAF OSI OCP

Duty Identifier Tab USAF OSI OCP


Brassard/Duty Identifier-Patch CBRN OCP-Black

Brassard/Duty Identifier-Patch CBRN OCP-Black


Brassard/Duty Identifier-Patch CBRN OCP-Spice Brown

Brassard/Duty Identifier-Patch CBRN OCP-Spice Brown


Brassard/Duty Identifier-Patch CBRNE OCP-Spice Brown

Brassard/Duty Identifier-Patch CBRNE OCP-Spice Brown


Brassard/Duty Identifier-Patch EOD OCP-Black

Brassard/Duty Identifier-Patch EOD OCP-Black


Brassard/Duty Identifier-Patch EOD OCP-Spice Brown

Brassard/Duty Identifier-Patch EOD OCP-Spice Brown


Brassard-Patch FD Fire Department OCP

Brassard-Patch FD Fire Department OCP


Duty Identifier Tab FIRE Fire Department Black / White

Duty Identifier Tab FIRE Fire Department Black / White


Duty Identifier Tab FIRE Fire Department OCP

Duty Identifier Tab FIRE Fire Department OCP


Duty Identifier Tab FIRE Fire Department OCP Black Border

Duty Identifier Tab FIRE Fire Department OCP Black Border


Duty Identifier Tab FIRE Fire Department OCP Spice Brown Border

Duty Identifier Tab FIRE Fire Department OCP Spice Brown Border


Duty Identifier Tab FIRE Fire Department OCP-Spice Brown

Duty Identifier Tab FIRE Fire Department OCP-Spice Brown


Brassard-Patch MEDIC OCP

Brassard-Patch MEDIC OCP


Duty Identifier Tab MED Medical OCP

Duty Identifier Tab MED Medical OCP


Duty Identifier Tab IDMT Independent Duty Medical Technician OCP

Duty Identifier Tab IDMT Independent Duty Medical Technician OCP


Duty Identifier Tab IDMT-P Independent Duty Medical Technician-Paramedic OCP

Duty Identifier Tab IDMT-P Independent Duty Medical Technician-Paramedic OCP


Brassard-Patch Red Cross Medic OCP

Brassard-Patch Red Cross Medic OCP


Brassard-Patch Veterinary Green Cross OCP

Brassard-Patch Veterinary Green Cross OCP


Duty Identifier Tab CYBER OCP

Duty Identifier Tab CYBER OCP


Duty Identifier Tab XCOMM Expeditionary Warfighting Communications OCP

Duty Identifier Tab XCOMM Expeditionary Warfighting Communications OCP


Duty Identifier CEMIRT Civil Engineer Maintenance Inspection and Repair Team OCP

Duty Identifier CEMIRT Civil Engineer Maintenance Inspection and Repair Team OCP


Duty Identifier Tab 1SG First Sergeant

Duty Identifier Tab 1SG First Sergeant


Duty Identifier Tab 1SGT First Sergeant

Duty Identifier Tab 1SGT First Sergeant


Duty Identifier Tab C2OPS Command and Control Operations OCP

Duty Identifier Tab C2OPS Command and Control Operations OCP


Duty Identifier Tab CAA Combat Aviation Advisor

Duty Identifier Tab CAA Combat Aviation Advisor


Duty Identifier Tab CDDAR Crash Damaged or Disabled Aircraft Recovery

Duty Identifier Tab CDDAR Crash Damaged or Disabled Aircraft Recovery


Duty Identifier Tab CDDAR Crash Damaged or Disabled Aircraft Recovery New

Duty Identifier Tab CDDAR Crash Damaged or Disabled Aircraft Recovery New


Duty Identifier Tab CSAR Combat Search and Rescue

Duty Identifier Tab CSAR Combat Search and Rescue


Duty Identifier Tab DAGRE Deployable Aircraft Ground Response Element OCP

Duty Identifier Tab DAGRE Deployable Aircraft Ground Response Element OCP


Duty Identifier Tab EAE Equipment Accountability Element OCP

Duty Identifier Tab EAE Equipment Accountability Element OCP


Duty Identifier Tab HC Headquarters Chaplain OCP

Duty Identifier Tab HC Headquarters Chaplain OCP


Duty Identifier Tab JACCE Joint Air Component Coordination Element

Duty Identifier Tab JACCE Joint Air Component Coordination Element


Duty Identifier Tab JTAC Joint Terminal Attack Controller OCP

Duty Identifier Tab JTAC Joint Terminal Attack Controller OCP


Duty Identifier Tab LOASM Low Observable Aircraft Structural Maintenance

Duty Identifier Tab LOASM Low Observable Aircraft Structural Maintenance


Duty Identifier Tab MTECH Metals Technology

Duty Identifier Tab MTECH Metals Technology


Duty Identifier Tab NSSL National Security Space Launch

Duty Identifier Tab NSSL National Security Space Launch


Duty Identifier Tab PJ Pararescue

Duty Identifier Tab PJ Pararescue


Duty Identifier Tab USAF AFE Aircrew Flight Equipment OCP

Duty Identifier Tab USAF AFE Aircrew Flight Equipment OCP


Duty Identifier Tab USAF Air Advisor OCP

Duty Identifier Tab USAF Air Advisor OCP


Duty Identifier Tab USAF AMLO Air Mobility Liaison Officer OCP

Duty Identifier Tab USAF AMLO Air Mobility Liaison Officer OCP


Duty Identifier Tab USAF CA Combat Arms OCP

Duty Identifier Tab USAF CA Combat Arms OCP


Duty Identifier Tab USAF CCT Combat Controller OCP

Duty Identifier Tab USAF CCT Combat Controller OCP


Duty Identifier Tab USAF CMS Combat Mission Support OCP

Duty Identifier Tab USAF CMS Combat Mission Support OCP


Duty Identifier Tab USAF CRO Combat Rescue Officer OCP

Duty Identifier Tab USAF CRO Combat Rescue Officer OCP


Duty Identifier Tab USAF FARP Forward Area Refueling Point OCP

Duty Identifier Tab USAF FARP Forward Area Refueling Point OCP


Duty Identifier Tab USAF FP Force Protection OCP

Duty Identifier Tab USAF FP Force Protection OCP


Duty Identifier Tab USAF GST Ground Surgical Team OCP

Duty Identifier Tab USAF GST Ground Surgical Team OCP


Duty Identifier Tab USAF Guardian Angel OCP

Duty Identifier Tab USAF Guardian Angel OCP


Duty Identifier Tab USAF LRO Logistics Readiness Officer OCP

Duty Identifier Tab USAF LRO Logistics Readiness Officer OCP


Duty Identifier Tab USAF MMA Maintenance Management Analyst

Duty Identifier Tab USAF MMA Maintenance Management Analyst


Duty Identifier Tab USAF MTL Military Training Leader OCP

Duty Identifier Tab USAF MTL Military Training Leader OCP


Duty Identifier Tab USAF PS&D Plans, Scheduling and Documentation OCP

Duty Identifier Tab USAF PS&D Plans, Scheduling and Documentation OCP


Duty Identifier Tab USAF Religious Affairs OCP

Duty Identifier Tab USAF Religious Affairs OCP


Duty Identifier Tab USAF SERE Survival, Evasion, Resistance & Escape

Duty Identifier Tab USAF SERE Survival, Evasion, Resistance & Escape


Duty Identifier Tab USAF SOWT Special Operations Weather Team OCP

Duty Identifier Tab USAF SOWT Special Operations Weather Team OCP


Duty Identifier Tab USAF STO Special Tactics Officer OCP

Duty Identifier Tab USAF STO Special Tactics Officer OCP


Duty Identifier Tab USAF SWO Staff Weather Officers OCP

Duty Identifier Tab USAF SWO Staff Weather Officers OCP


Duty Identifier Tab USAF TACP Tactical Air Control Party OCP

Duty Identifier Tab USAF TACP Tactical Air Control Party OCP


Duty Identifier Tab USAF TRNG Training

Duty Identifier Tab USAF TRNG Training


Duty Identifier Tab WPNS Weapons Munitions

Duty Identifier Tab WPNS Weapons Munitions


Brassard-Patch CP Courtesy Patrol OCP

Brassard-Patch CP Courtesy Patrol OCP


Brassard-Patch DES OCP

Brassard-Patch DES OCP


Brassard-Patch OD Officer of the Day OCP

Brassard-Patch OD Officer of the Day OCP


Brassard-Patch OG Officer of the Guard OCP

Brassard-Patch OG Officer of the Guard OCP


Brassard-Patch SD Staff Duty OCP

Brassard-Patch SD Staff Duty OCP


Copyright © 2025 Shepherd Tactical, LLC.